What is the Weather Like?
WEATHER We have heard that this is an unusual year in Arizona. Temperatures have been pretty moderate, and sometimes just downright cold. We had a couple of days of rain... I mean all day. The ground here isn't used to absorbing that much rain all at once, so we had small rivers running down the street. Of course they new this and designed the streets so they are deeper in the middle than on the sides. But if you wait long enough it will warm up in a hurry and this week it is starting to heat up. CHURCH We go to church here at the resort, and it's a good old fashioned service, with good old fashioned people. Sing hyms from a hymnal, responsive reading and a down to earth sermon. The pastor trys to use some stories to illustrate his sermons. Here is his from last week. There was this 85 year old man sitting on the park bench crying. A policeman came up to see what was wrong. He asked ...